So far the status of my being has been in the following:
Everything is starting to hit me.
-I truly miss my Family, all of them.
-I'm still getting accustomed to this cold weather, unlike Las Vegas, NV, which is HOT.
-I have lost several pounds since I've been in Seattle. It's starting to show.
-I DO NOT miss Las Vegas, NV. At all...not one bit.
- The events going on in the world and especially in our country have become too immense for me to swallow. It's hard to keep up with all the bullshit going on, I mean, it's making me sick, sad, and lightheaded. I can't handle it, I don't know what to make out of any of this. It’s pure angst , discouraging me more and more in believing in this country and whether or not we’re going to be okay, because what’s the point in shooting for goals if we’re not?
- I keep reminiscing about a time I was in Love and how I came from that to this, how I miss her, how I miss the feeling she brought me-being in a relationship I cared about-having her-having someone to really care about, how stupid I was to fuck it all up, How I wish I had the mind I have now and had it back then, and how I'd do anything in my power – No! I’d do anything in the world, to have her back. It’s funny what something like this can do to a man, it can really ruin him.
- I'm really lonesome here throughout the week (during the weekend this appartment becomes a party house and after the party is over it seems to turn into a shelter for kids with no where to go). I was somewhat lonely in Las Vegas and years back, I even said to myself that I'm bound to be alone, because I had the notion that I always was. Now, I’m starting to believe it's true.
- I've had several interviews and I still don't have a job. It's becoming really annoying and some what discouraging to sit in this apartment waiting for a name to give a call, looking up jobs online or hoping there's an email of opportunity. PLUS having a phone that does not work out here isn't exactly helping my cause.
- I guess this adds to being lonely but aside from not having a job it's also an issue of this moment but; I really want someone to hold. I don't have that here in Seattle. Not yet at least. I'm wondering why. But in some circles, I’ve been feeling really unattractive lately, I don’t know I’, I’m going through a psychological stress period or not but it’s just how I’ve felt…
Monday, September 29, 2008
Music to my Ears
I made a new playlist. Theres more than enough music and it is a little bit sloppy with artists scattared all around, but for now, this will have to do till I fix it up some more.
Last night, Adult Swim premiered Superjail! Holy shit man!! This cartoon was amazing! Its chock full of gory Violence, all kinds of odd characters, it's strange and witty, and the method of animation gives it a distinctive great look, as if were something coming out of the early 90's - late 80's. This is a cartoon on Adult Swim I’m definitely going to keep watching and you should too. Check it out!!

The best Ideas
All my best ides happen during that process of falling asleep. One thought leads to another and suddenly I have a great movie idea or a writing piece that would be great to have down on paper. However, all I do is fall asleep and forget all about the next morning.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Risin' Sun Blues
I'm Currently stuck on this song. I just get a shiver down my spine everytime I listen to this song.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Wait!.... This is all too familiar
Since I stepped foot in Washington, I've been getting mad cases of Deja Vu. In the most peculiar places or moments Deja Vu suddenly strikes me with full antagonizing force, leaving me dumbfounded wondering what the fuck just happened. I'm starting to believe there's a reason I'm in Washington. Something beyond my comprehension, A meaning I won't know until it comes on it's own terms with full force. I mean, leaving Las Vegas wasn't too hard aside from saying goodbye to the Family but once I got to Seattle, everything felt right. All the right energies have been coming around and perhaps that's why it was so easy to leave one state and go to another. There has to be something I'm here for, and these encounters with Deja Vu are clues to a puzzle I’m putting together as I live my life.
What does it take?
John F. Kennedy, here was a man that so many loved, so many admired and all the American people truly believed he was the one guy, our one shot, our last shot- who would change the direction America was headed. The American People were behind him in full circle, with all the right charisma in the air, giving him full force to lead us towards the direction we so desperately wanted, but with a blink of an eye - John F. Kennedy was murdered. Every dream, every hope, shattered -right before our eyes. And there he goes, a bullet to the head, leaving all to much of an agenda behind and with no one else to fulfill it. Our great leader, gone.

It seemed as if though the 60’s was a time anyone seeking a horizon of change could ever survive. Shots fire! Boom! There goes Malcolm X a man so powerful with words, the CIA had to get in on his death, and shortly after, Martin Luther King, the man who gave a speech so immense, that without MLK we wouldn’t be at the pace we’re at- both killed by the bullet, both leaders making way to a new horizon, both who would have done much more if given the chance.

Here we are present day, no great leaders, no righteous free will. All we have is simply a man who the American people despise with all the fueled passion in their hearts. A man who leads America publicized as the village idiot, poked fun at through in all comedy shows and not shown one bit of respect through the likes of anyone. Here’s Bush, a man who single handedly has fucked its own people, left to right, has not stopped one missile from blasting since in office, putting America in a deficit, no great change made in the last eight years but a spiral backwards. A modern day Nixon, a yoko in business suite, a pimp running around the White House. Here’s a man who to this day has yet received a well deserve bullet to the head, still has the nerve to show his face to the public eye and walk around with a fist full of power. So much angst for this man and still, no has put a bullet through him? But we can have a wonderful man like John F. Kennedy who was in full circle different from Bush and we have to see JFK go? All I can say is What the fuck? There is some crooked fuckers with higher power, a room full of guns and chock full cash just laughing at us right now.
It seemed as if though the 60’s was a time anyone seeking a horizon of change could ever survive. Shots fire! Boom! There goes Malcolm X a man so powerful with words, the CIA had to get in on his death, and shortly after, Martin Luther King, the man who gave a speech so immense, that without MLK we wouldn’t be at the pace we’re at- both killed by the bullet, both leaders making way to a new horizon, both who would have done much more if given the chance.
Here we are present day, no great leaders, no righteous free will. All we have is simply a man who the American people despise with all the fueled passion in their hearts. A man who leads America publicized as the village idiot, poked fun at through in all comedy shows and not shown one bit of respect through the likes of anyone. Here’s Bush, a man who single handedly has fucked its own people, left to right, has not stopped one missile from blasting since in office, putting America in a deficit, no great change made in the last eight years but a spiral backwards. A modern day Nixon, a yoko in business suite, a pimp running around the White House. Here’s a man who to this day has yet received a well deserve bullet to the head, still has the nerve to show his face to the public eye and walk around with a fist full of power. So much angst for this man and still, no has put a bullet through him? But we can have a wonderful man like John F. Kennedy who was in full circle different from Bush and we have to see JFK go? All I can say is What the fuck? There is some crooked fuckers with higher power, a room full of guns and chock full cash just laughing at us right now.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
so you see...
I found a new love. Perhaps I'm a little late, I don't watch tv or listen to the radio but better late than never.
Katy Perry- wow. It's hard to describe something when it makes you go wild but she's simply perfect. She falls in all the right critiria I look for. Jesus Christ man, they don't make enough Katy Perry's in the world, they need to.

Don't worry Nat. You still got a piece of my heart.
Katy Perry- wow. It's hard to describe something when it makes you go wild but she's simply perfect. She falls in all the right critiria I look for. Jesus Christ man, they don't make enough Katy Perry's in the world, they need to.
Don't worry Nat. You still got a piece of my heart.
If You're smart
If you're smart, you'll head up North before it's too late. You have till the end of October. Good Luck Rambler.
Ok Computer V.S. KID A
Its been said, it's been reported, and claimed. Ok Computer (1997) was the Radiohead album that changed everything since the Beatles sgt. pepper. album. Others claim Ok Computer is the best Radiohead album. There's no denying the album is amazing, with strong contenders throughout the album like "Exit Music", "Paranoid Android", "Lucky", "Karma Police", and "No Surprises".The album was at such innovative heights bands like Deftones took a listen and reported packing up their instruments. The album came in at a perfect time, right as grunge was dying off and preppy took over, nothing was out there like Ok Computer. Although the album was ahead of its own time and a clue that Radiohead was no longer to be deemed "Grunge" because of there curse given by their first single "Creep", it was a clue that Radiohead would be headed to an experimental path in their musical career. Yet, no one seems to mention the KID A album, which in my opinion, pushed the bar of music even further, and made Radiohead what they are today.

The Kid A (2000) album went to an extent that no other Radiohead Album has pushed, and pushed boundaries of eight years since release other bands still have not accomplished, to this day, simulate. Yet they try and try, with an gimmick image too. The Kid A album starts with a perfect introduction, "Everything in it's right place", the song starts with shivers down my spine, continues to a considerable lullaby,” Kid A", then to a wild world of. "The National Anthem", sets you back to place with "How To Disappear Completely", then on a trip through "Optimistic", scrambling your brain with "Idioteque", and setting you back down with "Motion Picture Soundtrack", which Thom Yorke has claimed to be a favorite song of his own. Through out the album, you listen close and it had to be the most crafted master planned album they had done to date. No song sounded alike, much less like any before, and if you listen closely to songs such as "Idioteque" there’s at least five things all playing together at the same time. There's a use of instruments no likely band would use to create music with through out the Kid Album, with such songs like "The National Anthem" using a Ondes Martenot and on "Optimistic" as well. It's an album as perfect as humanly possible. One that can't be replicated. It throws you around with emotion and thought. It just takes a set of different ears to understand.
The Kid A (2000) album went to an extent that no other Radiohead Album has pushed, and pushed boundaries of eight years since release other bands still have not accomplished, to this day, simulate. Yet they try and try, with an gimmick image too. The Kid A album starts with a perfect introduction, "Everything in it's right place", the song starts with shivers down my spine, continues to a considerable lullaby,” Kid A", then to a wild world of. "The National Anthem", sets you back to place with "How To Disappear Completely", then on a trip through "Optimistic", scrambling your brain with "Idioteque", and setting you back down with "Motion Picture Soundtrack", which Thom Yorke has claimed to be a favorite song of his own. Through out the album, you listen close and it had to be the most crafted master planned album they had done to date. No song sounded alike, much less like any before, and if you listen closely to songs such as "Idioteque" there’s at least five things all playing together at the same time. There's a use of instruments no likely band would use to create music with through out the Kid Album, with such songs like "The National Anthem" using a Ondes Martenot and on "Optimistic" as well. It's an album as perfect as humanly possible. One that can't be replicated. It throws you around with emotion and thought. It just takes a set of different ears to understand.
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